JNH 3:3 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very important city--a visit required three days. On the first day, Jonah started into the city. He proclaimed: "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned." The Ninevites believed God. They declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
Jonah's story is an interesting one. Jonah is called by God to go to a place called Nineveh to preach a message of repentance to a wicked and vile people. Jonah declines and runs away from God's call to only find himself in the belly of a whale. One could surmise from this event that when God gives us a task we need to step up to the plate and do what is necessary. One could also learn from this missionary story that running from God only makes matters worse! Imagining all that must have been in the belly of the great creature would also lead us to believe that running from God gets us into some pretty smelly situations. You can probably relate on some level.
What is probably the most amazing element in this story is the reason Jonah was running away in the first place. Jonah basically refused to go and preach repentance in Nineveh because he was afraid they would actually repent and then God would forgive rather than punish them. Jonah had a major attitude towards the Ninevites. Whatever his reasons were, God saw it as unacceptable for Jonah to hold a grudge and wish judgment on people he cared about. So Jonah goes, wanders through the city for three days declaring that judgment was coming and the people repent.
What are the marks of true repentance that turned God's wrath away and brought his forgiveness?
1. They listened. They didn't stop up their ears and refuse to hear they had been acting wrongly.
2. They realized the gravity of their sin. They didn't argue with Jonah about how they didn't deserve to be punished and overturned.
3. They put on sackcloth. They changed their clothes as a sign of their repentance. They didn't keep living the way they had been but radically changed their appearance to show God they were serious about their submission and sadness. Job puts sackcloth and ashes on after losing his family and belongings. Here the Ninevites show their utter sadness and despair by putting on sackcloth and ashes.
4. They fasted. By fasting they were crying out to God for an act of mercy on His part. They were saying to God, if we are to die maybe by complete submission and humility we can change your mind. And God did!
At times when we fast it is because we want to develop intimacy with God. Other times we need to fast as a sign of desperation and submission to God. Like the Ninevites we too can strip ourselves down to our bare essentials and throw ourselves at His mercy. The good news is God is such a loving God when He sees us in such a low state of desperation He is huge heart is moved and He forgives and restores us.
Today, as we fast together let's take the position of the Ninevites in humility, submission, despair and repentance. As God sees our hearts and our desire to surrender He will move on our behalf.
Fast Focus of Prayer:
Ask God to shine a light on any attitudes or behaviors that cause his hand of blessing to be lifted and then repent of them. Tell God you are desperate and in "sackcloth and ashes" waiting on Him to again touch your life.
Ask God to keep the enemy from storming your gates and for His protection and restoration.
Ask God to restore what the enemy has taken.
Fast for our teens. Pray that they see and taste God in their midst. Pray that they be protected from the lies of the enemy.
Fast for our Ministry Staff that God has called to CMCC: Tara, Rich, Amy, Sharon and Pastor Wayne.
Fast for our Elder Board Lenny Doolittle, Peggy Eggelston, Kelly Crane and Sharon Garfield.
Fast for healing of a couple trying to recover from infidelity.
Fast for a mom struggling with her teenage children and an ex-spouse.
Fast for a child involved in a homosexual lifestyle.
Fast for God to speak in our upcoming series on relationships.
Fast for God's continued blessing of Lakeview Community Church.
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