Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto

Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto
Greater Things Are Yet To Come

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wired to follow

I am one of the lucky few. I discovered a few years ago what God wired me up to do. Six years after having planted my first church I found myself growing more and more frustrated. What made my frustration so...frustrating...wasn't poor attendance, struggling finances or anything of the sort. After an amazing six years and God's blessing on our efforts we had actually grown to close to 600 people, built a new church building and were experiencing all around success. So why the frustration? I was no longer a church planter. After taking a month sabbatical, I discovered that God was working to help me reconnect with my original call. I had a choice. I could either choose to continue in what seemed to be a sure thing, or once again let go and courageously follow His leading. Five church plants later I can honestly say it has all been worth it. What have I discovered along the way? First, I'm wired to plant. For reasons only known to God I have been chosen to start new churches. I believe we all have a calling that God wants us to not only connect with, but to thrive in. Lastly, though it might be difficult we should all pack light. In other words we need to keep our pockets light of those things that we keep us from passionately pursuing God's call. When we pack light it's easy to follow. Thanks for reading my first blog.

1 comment:

tonymyles said...

What a simple yet powerful summary, Wayne. I remember that sabbatical you took with Dan Webster and the unarticulated hope everyone had that you would come back and be ready for another five "GCC" years. Only... a different answer.

But what an answer. You "pastored" that flock by helping them see there was more than just that flock. In doing so, you stepped forward out of the comfortable into the uncomfortable, which is usually where we find the "peace that passes all understanding."

Now that's ironic, isn't it?

Fan the flame, brutha.