Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto

Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto
Greater Things Are Yet To Come

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday "Fast Focus"

Each and every Thursday Central Montcalm Community Church is encouraged as a congregation to fast together. Thursday morning a "Fast Focus" will be posted on this blog for the purpose of encouraging those who choose to fast, teach from the Word of God regarding fasting, and provide specific areas for the congregation to be praying about throughout the day.

In Matthew 6:16 Jesus said, "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

Here are a couple of things to remember for this Thursday's "Fast Focus".

1. Jesus assumed his followers would fast. "When you fast..."
An important element in our Christian walk is learning to stay in tune with God. Fasting should be a part of a Christian's life and normal routine as much as eating, drinking and breathing. Fasting isn't another religious thing that we do as much as it becomes a part of who we are.

2. Fasting isn't for show. " not look somber"
Because fasting isn't about the show or about making ourselves look ultra spiritual we need to guard against it puffing us up. We don't say, 'look at me I'm eating now' or 'look at me I'm breathing now'. In other words don't walk around broadcasting that you are dying from hunger just to get people to think you are super spiritual. At the same time you don't have to become so imbalanced that you hide it from those around you either. The issue isn't about others seeing us fast as much as what we want them to see. If it becomes a regular spiritual discipline for all of us there will be less of a tendency for spiritual pretense.

3. Fasting has its rewards. "You have received your reward in full"
If we fast for the sake of outward accolades then we have received our reward in full. But if we fast for the right reasons of humbling ourselves, introspection, drawing close to God, and becoming more sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit then the rewards will be far greater than we can imagine.

It's not about starving ourselves, but instead submitting ourselves to God
It's not about getting, but is about growing our spirits
It's not about manipulating God, but letting God master us
It's not about personal agendas, but active sacrifice to your Savior

Today as you fast from Sun up to Sun down here are some things to pray for as the hunger reminds you to seek Him:

Maturity: Pray that God will grow you. Ask Him to see if there is any sin in your heart and to convict, cleanse and heal you. Ask God to help you to grow to maturity that you might move from milk to meat and become a teacher of all that is good.

Ethiopia believers: Pray for their protection, healing and renewal.

You church family: That God would help those in need whether it be finances, health, friendships etc.

The Ministry Staff: Pray for Rich, Amy, Tara, Sharon, Wayne and the support staff.

Immediate Family Members: Pray for your family to know Christ.

Sunday's Message: That God would speak.

Divine Appointments: That God would open the doors for opportunities to share His love and message with others.

Listen: Be still and know that He is God. Listen to what God has to say to you.

Have a great day fasting! Pastor Wayne

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