"For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing or reaping. But God sent me ahead of you to preserve you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by great deliverance. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God."
Joseph's journey began one day when he revealed a dream he had to his nine brothers. He revealed how he drempt of his brothers bowing down to him, and the next thing he knew his angry brothers had sold him into slavery. Despite the dream, Joseph goes from a son of Jacob to a slave in Egypt. When pondering his dream I am sure Joseph never thought it would lead to such a lonely and broken place. And then like so many other slaves Joseph is sold as a servant to a man named Potiphar. The young man who had a dream now sees that dream move even further away as he moves from a slave and is sold on the black market as a servant.
While serving Potipher, God gives Joseph favor and he is soon elevated to chief servant over the entire household. But once again what seems like bad karma, bad luck or a lingering curse, the bottom falls out from under Joseph again when Potiphar's wife lies about him and accuses him of trying to rape her. Joseph now goes from a slave to a servant to an accused sex offender and is thrown into prison. Again, this is miles away from where Joseph ever drempt of being. Do you wonder if he questioned the dream that he revealed to his brothers? By this time he probably wished he had never had the dream or that he at least had kept his mouth shut.
While in prison Joseph again is granted favor by God and the prison Warden gives him responsibility over the entire prison. At least while in prison things begin to become tolerable with the new found responsibilities and freedoms. While in prison God enables Joseph to interpret dreams and he ends up interpreting a dream of Pharoah of an ensuing famine that would strike the land. This results in Joseph being brought out of prison and into Pharoah's cabinet. Joseph now goes from a son to a slave to a servant to an accused sex offender to second in the land. What a roller coaster! God raises up Joseph and uses him to plan for a devastating famine that would rock the land.
It is probable that each step of the journey Joseph had difficulty putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I'm sure with each difficulty he wondered 'why?' But as Joseph remains faithful to God and trusts in Him, he doesn't give up. Finally the last piece of the puzzle snaps into place as he stands before his brothers as they are rationing out food to those who had come from afar. They are bowing down to him! Aha! That is what the dream was about.
The man who went from a son to a slave to a servant to an accused sex offender to second in command is now settled in the plan of God. What an overwhelming peace must have come over Joseph as the picture came together in his mind. What a great reminder to us that God has a beautiful picture that our lives fit into, despite the fact that life seems to serve up some pretty painful and demanding situations at times.
As your life unfolds before God, place your trust in the One that sees the big picture and has yours and others best interests in mind. Keep your faith and don't give up!
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