Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto

Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto
Greater Things Are Yet To Come

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Sacred Path

Every once in awhile we are blessed to witness a special moment in history. You might call them "sacred" moments. Through the providential hand of God I was able today to participate in the dedication of Indiana Wesleyan University's new Chapel. Indiana Wesleyan University is the largest private university in Indiana, eclipsing even the infamous University of Notre Dame. Her 3,800 seat chapel is a monument to God's leadership and His sovereign hand of blessing on my Alma Mater.

As I reflect on where God has brought IWU since my entrance into ministry studies in 1987, I am grateful how the university has stayed true to her calling. 'Umfandisi' Jim Lo spoke in todays chapel dedication of the ease with which universities are caught in the tide of mission drift. IWU has remained true to her mission to truly love God, to love her world and to develop world changers. As I watched thousands of students flood into their seats for the dedication I thought of my own children and my hope that one day they will be as fortunate as I. I have been blessed to be led by God to share in the campus life of this great University. I was blessed to have Christian professors who cared about mind and heart. I was blessed to be caught up in the tidal wave of vision that launched us from Marion College to Indiana Wesleyan University. I was blessed by God to be brought into a large family of world changers.

I, like so many others are a ripple in God's tsunami of grace. One wave of that tsunami flows through a place called IWU and has lapped the coasts of the world. As each IWU grad embarks on their own pilgrim's progress and each church is planted, each pulpit is spoken from, each doctor and nurse care for the sick, each lawyer stands for the oppressed, God is glorified and his mission on earth accomplished. What a blessing to be part of this sacred tsunami of grace!

As for my children, may they one day find themselves seated among the world changers of IWU.

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