Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto

Daddy Otto and Daughter Otto
Greater Things Are Yet To Come

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 10

It is hard to believe we have already been in Zambia for ten days. It seems as if we have been on a whirlwind mission throughout the Southern Province of Zambia. We visited a number of Wesleyan churches throughout the Southern area of Zambia. We left the capital city of Lusaka and traveled to Mozidiku, then on to Choma, Kolomo and then to Zimba. While preaching in Zimba there were some who came to the altar to receive Christ as Saviour and Lord. What an awesome honour to have an impact on someone's eternity. For those of you who have helped us through your prayer and support we thank you for making that possible. We then traveled to Livingstone for a day of enjoying one of the market and Victoria Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world. Victoria Falls was absolutely breath taking. It was truly a magnificent site. You could walk almost to the edge of the cliff that overlooks the falls. I was tempted to dive off, but thought my daughter might like to have her daddy around to escort her home! After an eight hour bus trip we returned back in Lusaka. While in Lusaka, Erin rested in the morning while I traveled back into one of the poorest slums of Zambia to feel the heartbeat of God for his people. The National Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church of Zambia and I walked to the compound and spent some time with one of his family members in the compound. If you get a chance to view the video footage you will find the poverty and living conditions are like none any of us have ever seen or experienced. It is in places like this that they have yearly Cholera, Measles and Malaria outbreaks that take thousands of people's lives.

This morning we traveled for five hours by bus to the Northern Copper belt. When arriving in Kitwe we were again mobbed by many Zambian taxi drivers and marketers trying to pedal things like bananas, sun glasses or just about any other kind of item you could sell. We are now at the Walker's home where we will spend the next 10 days working in the Nehemiah Boys Ranch and the Sarah Rose orphanage. We look forward to all that God has in store for us. Thank you again for praying for us. Please continue to do so until we return.

Serving our Saviour Together,

Pastor Wayne and Erin


Amy Otto said...

Wow, the pictures at the bottom of the blog are beautiful. I love seeing my daughter showing the love of Jesus to these precious children. I'm proud of both of you!

Anonymous said...

Our paryers are with you and Erin. It's awesome to see God work going on through the both of you. To see people coming to God, their lives changed, and hope for a brighter future. Keep the ministry going. Stay safe.
Bill and Marilynn

Princess, Daughter of the King said...

What an incredible trip for you 2! Be blessed!